Crusader kings vs europa universalis
Crusader kings vs europa universalis

While many strategy games have a high skill ceiling, Europa Universalis 4 sports a near-infinite climb in the quest to paint the map in the player's color and a mechanic for every campaign an aspiring pro’s heart could desire.

crusader kings vs europa universalis

RELATED: Crusader Kings 3 Mod Lets Players Convert Save to Europa Universalis 4 Once willing strategists break through this barrier, Europa Universalis 4 can be an extremely satisfying experience, and doubly so for fans of its highly active creator, Paradox Studios. The Indulgence Peddler event is an example of a nasty event lowering base tax value.Europa Universalis is an intimidating strategy series, bringing with it its fair share of stats, percentages, and mechanics. The neutral event Sale of Offices gives you a choice of losing one point of base tax in a city to gain 100 ducats. Examples include New Land Claimed, which increases base tax by 1 in a city. In addition, there are several random events which can change base tax values for cities of any country. There are scripted events for many major powers giving them boosts to base tax value. The base tax value of cities may change, but only via event. Once the colony becomes a city, province tax and census tax will be collected. But it does serve as the base of the supply limit computation. The base tax value does not have any monetary effect in a colony or trading post - they don't collect most taxes. When a colony or trading post is created, it takes the base tax value of the province it is created in. The base tax value of provinces is fixed in province.csv, and cannot change. The left number on the province screen is the base tax value.

crusader kings vs europa universalis

To see the province base tax value, just select the province.

crusader kings vs europa universalis

However, you need to know which provinces have a high base tax in order to colonize them first.

crusader kings vs europa universalis

Other than that it has no effect in the game. In a uncolonized province, the base tax value is the supply limit for army attrition. The base tax value (abbreviated BTV) of a province or city is a number upon which province tax is computed.

Crusader kings vs europa universalis